Hugo Serra Hugo Serra
  Versión espanol
Baratometrajes 2.0
Baratometrajes 2.0
(largometraje documental + plataforma de contenidos)

A documentary about the Spanish very-low-budget feature films and the promoters of those productions

Hugo Daniel Serra and San Román, directors / producers of “Baratometrajes” documentary in 2005, have decided to make a sequel. This time it will be a feature film, and the project has transmedia character and a webserie. The aim is to analyse newly Spanish "low cost" feature-films, in an accurate and entertaining way.

Since more and more lowcost and truly independent films are being produced, the promoters have designed Baratometrajes as a platform and meeting point for this style productions. Thus, 2.0 Baratometrajes will continue portraying the true motivations of its creators, who venture to produce and direct their films without following industry rules;  involving many individuals, companies and institutions, embarking on genuine long "audiovisual feats", without knowing in advance the impact of their projects. And also will support and promote all the movies that are part of the documentary, with a strong educational and informative philosophy of filmmaking processes.

Baratometrajes 2.0 focuses on a website and a blog and have profiles on social network sites Facebook and Twitter, videos on YouTube and Vimeo, and an account in Flickr (for photos). Through comprehensive work, continuous investigation, writing and shooting we aim shoot to achieve attractive content, so that during the production process we are launching videos and entries on the web / blog from all the respondents involved. The workflow will include the process of final assembly and the premiere of the feature documentary, scheduled for May / June 2013. In parallel, we will launch a video-on-demand service or a platform linked to the project, which will commercialise related movies interested.

The project is active and available at:

Hugo Serra
© Copyright 2008. Hugo Serra
© Web Design. EGEDA 2008
Producer asociated with Egeda